Search Results
SPICE MAQM Workshop - Rok Zitko - Strong Correlation Effects
SPICE MAQM Workshop - Markus Ternes - Revealing Higher Order Scattering Effects
SPICE MAQM Workshop - Katharina Franke - Electron Transport Through Shiba States
SPICE MAQM Workshop - Stevan Nadj Perge - Majorana Bound States
SPICE MAQM Workshop - Sander Otte - Atomic Spin Chains
SPICE MAQM Workshop - Tristan Cren - Coherent Magnetic Bound States
SPICE MAQM Workshop - Susanne Baumann - Spin and Orbital Magnetism of Atoms on MgO
On-line SPICE-SPIN+X Seminar: Katharina Franke
Jens Wiebe-Universität Hamburg, Dept. of Physics, 20355, Hamburg, GERMANY
Zitko | Vincere Customer Story
Jens Paaske: Microwave response of superconducting sub-gap states
Surfaces of 3D topological insulators and impurity effects